is proud to announce


The Laurin Keller Memorial




 Total Players:     22 

 Total Prizes:      $450.00

 Cross table:       USCF Crosstable 


 PHOTOS:           The Laurin Keller Memorial




                                                Section Winners:


Championship (Open; 1600-UP):   
1st:            (2.5) FM Ron Simpson, Paul King                                      $ 97.50 each
2nd:           Combined with 1st.                                                                     ---------
Class:        Matthew Greene, Stephen Maynard (1.5 each)                    $  15.00 each

Candidates (UNR-1599):

1st:             Matt Embler   (3.0)                                                              $135.00
2nd:            Derek Zhang   (2.5)                                                             $  60.00                                      
Class:         Yimo Chen, Michael Clay (1.0)                                            $  15.00 each



Some Thoughts on The Laurin Keller Memorial

from William "Tom" Hales, Organizer & Chief TD


Turnout was a bit disappointing for The Laurin Keller Memorial.  This was in no way a reflection of a lack of support for the idea behind the tournament.  If I have learned one thing as a tournament director, I've realized that on occasion we just end up on a bad date.  Such was the case here:  just two weeks after the SW VA Open (with over 30 NC players), and three weeks before the LPO.  We also ran into an unfortunate conflict with Charlotte's Fake Copper Blanket.  Unfortunately, some of the last minute date changes were unavoidable, so we made the best of the situation. 


The great news is this:  twenty two only seemed like a bad turnout due to our recent string of much larger numbers.  So we still had a good number, and a terrific time!  We also got full use of the BIG banquet room, with just one board per table.  We want to thank the owners of Days Inn for making this possible.  They are in the process of renovating at the motel, and we look forward to seeing the finished product soon!      


I was pleasantly surprised to see FM Ron Simpson this month.  Unfortunately for Ron, it turns out that one thing can stop NC's unstoppable chess force:  traffic.  Unable to get through to the hotel, he had to accept a first round bye.  He then graciously agreed to a rated side game with TD Tom Hales.  Fortunately, I brought a change of ego with me.           


The Championship Section was up for grabs with eight draws and three half point BYES.  In spite of all this dogging by the Draw Demon, in the end the Championship was split just two ways:  FM Ron Simpson and Paul King emerged undefeated with 2.5 each.  The Candidate's Section was dominated by someone new to Asheboro.  Matt Embler proved unstoppable, racking up an astounding 221 rating points at a perfect 3.0!  What a performance!   


Next month we will be back to The Asheboro Open, but there are tentative plans to organize a yearly event in Laurin Keller's memory.  We would like to make this a five round, three day event.  Hotel space is at a premium these days, so we will have to see what develops.


I want to thank my assistants Mark Stout and Jonathan McNeill.  They truly went above and beyond the call of duty to help bring you this event.    


Join us on September 8th, 2007 for The Asheboro Open XXVIII.  This is a perfect warm up for the LPO--one of NC's most prestigious Grand Prix events.  Best of all, FM Ron Simpson will be returning to shake the chess tree once more.  Don't miss it! 




William "Tom" Hales, Chief TD

The Asheboro Open


Asheboro Chess Club subscribes to the "Activity Means Members" philosophy of the

US Chess Federation.  Rated chess attracts new members, and helps regain those who have

lapsed.  We want to thank everyone who participated, and we encourage you to support other

tournaments and clubs in the area:   




Asheboro Chess Club meets Tuesdays from 6:00pm until 9:00pm

at the Asheboro Public Library, 201 Worth St, Asheboro, NC 27203

Free Wireless Internet, Books, DVDs, and More!



We are USCF affiliates, and sponsor a variety of rated events.

Visit our website for more info: 


or email me with questions or comments: